News & Events

  • Survey on urban residents’ NBS trade-offs and preferences

    Survey on urban residents’ NBS trade-offs and preferences

    With UPSURGE implementing a variety of NBS in pilot cities, understanding residents’ preferences and interest in participating in the NBS design processes is an important piece to the puzzle.  Only when taking residents into account, will NBS contribute to long-term and well accepted urban sustainability strategies. The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna…

  • Botanic Gardens: Researchers & residents collaborate to promote natural solutions to climate change

    Botanic Gardens: Researchers & residents collaborate to promote natural solutions to climate change

    Belfast Community Garden Open day by FriendsofField brought together communities, Queen’s University Belfast researchers and Belfast City Council to collaborate on climate. The activities catalysed conversations around sustainable food and natural ways of carbon capture.  USPRUGE demo site in Belfast is promoting Natural Based Solutions through local communities FriendsofField FoBBG, carbon capture experiments by Queen’s…

  • UPSURGE Project Consortium Meeting in Passau

    UPSURGE Project Consortium Meeting in Passau

    The UPSURGE project Consortium has just finished the meeting in Passau, Germany. During two days (21-22 Feb) the project partners presented the results of the completed tasks. Everyone also emphasized how much there is still to do. All work packages were thoroughly discussed, and summarized with constructive discussions and clarification of any doubts. Among other…

  • Final designs of the NBS interventions in Katowice

    Final designs of the NBS interventions in Katowice

    After intensive consultations with the local community, the Urban Greenery Enterprise in Katowice has taken delivery of designs for NBS interventions at four bus stops and a new green space in Katowice’s Market Square. This is a part of our ambitious UPSURGE project, which aims to improve the quality of life of residents through sustainable…

  • Agroecology Community Garden in Belfast

    Agroecology Community Garden in Belfast

    The lease for the UPSURGE NBS ‘agroecology community garden’ on the Belfast demonstration site has been approved. The key Stakeholders ‘Friends of the Field’ will implement the NBS together with Belfast City Council and Queen’s University Belfast. The community garden space has already been fenced off. It is located beside research plots for use by…