The XI International Conference concerning nature-based solutions has taken place in Katowice on 15-16 June, organized by The City Greenery Plant (CGP). At the Conference Ms. Magdalena Biela, the vice-director of the CGP, has presented the UPSURGE project in which the City of Katowice is a partner. Also, the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas is a scientific partner of UPSURGE, supporting Katowice in the project activities connected with implementation of the specific tasks like living labs, co-creation processes, installation of sensors for tracing the results of the NBS investments in the city etc. Also, dr Anna Starzewska-Sikorska from IETU has shortly presented the idea of the project which consists in creation of the Urban Regenerative Lighthouse as a scientific and practical service provider on the application of NBS in cities’ urban greening activities for climate change adaptation.
UPSURGE at The XI International Conference on NBS in Katowice